Thursday, June 6, 2013


Hello everyone. Well this week went by pretty fast. I realized I've been on my mission over 6 months already. It feels like I'm still really new here in Japan though, it probably has something to do with how long I was in the MTC.
Well I trust that everyone has had a pretty good/normal week. It looks like Erika and Brian had a fun vacation!
This week I had an interview with President Budge. We talked a little bit about Faith and how much of a difference it makes in missionary work. One thing he talked about is how everything has both a spiritual and physical creation. The spiritual creation can be obeying the commandments, staying worthy, making goals, and planning, while the physical creation is actually getting out there and making it happen with a diligent, concentrated effort. I admit sometimes I do the spiritual creation part and then just go outside and go through the motions with my head in the clouds waiting for things to happen instead of making sure they happen myself. He said there's a difference between going out hoping for things, and going out expecting things. The expecting is where Faith really comes in and makes a difference.
We spent a good chunk of time this week doing the standard finding stuff, but also met with Satou almost every day. We met him only a week and a half ago but he really is the perfect example of a Golden Investigator. After the first lesson we researched all of the commandments on his own and started following them, and after church last sunday he read the Gospel Principles book in 2 days. We're working towards a June 9th baptism and things should go smoothly at this point! He has his baptismal interview tomorrow. This will be my first baptism here in Japan, and Shohei should be getting baptized the week after! 
The photos below:
A frozen egg we pulled from the freezer
A typical poster (think it is supposed to say "Fun and Recreation"
Our investigator, Satou
An artistic expression :)

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